Post Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:52 am

!IGNORE!! Issuing and Accepting Challenges for the Ladder

NEVERMIND THIS. The admin will enter challenges and the results into the ladder.

Issuing and accepting Ladder challenges is how you get your challenge into the ladder system. If you wish to have an informal off-ladder challenge, you don't need to follow this. If, however, you have issued a challenge with the intent for its results to be entered into the ladders, this is how it's done. It should be done after you've posted your challenge thread and someone has accepted, and both of your video submissions have been posted in the poll thread.

Issuing a challenge:

WARNING: If your Clan already has a challenge pending in the ladder system, DO NOT issue another ladder challenge. Wait until the results have been entered, then you can issue your next ladder challenge.

1: First you must log into your clan (in the Clan Control Panel)

2: Navigate to the Ladder you are participating in. Look though the list of Clans to find your opponent's clan. Click it.

3: You'll see a page with all the detail of your opponent's clan. Near the top, you'll see a challenge link. Click it.

4: You'll be taken to a new page (you're actually back in your Clan Control Panel) where you'll see some forms. The top one shows your opponent's Clan ID. The middle one show the ladder you're trying to participate in. The bottom one is an open text box. You can enter details here if you want, but it isn't necessary. Click 'Submit'.

5: It will say something like 'Your challenge has been issued.' Now you just have to wait for your opponent to accept your Ladder challenge.

Accepting a Challenge:

WARNING: If your Clan already has a challenge pending in the ladder system, DO NOT accept any further challenge until the results for the first challenge have been entered. Then you can accept another challenge.

1: You will be notified that you have been issued a challenge both by email and by the PM system on this board. When you've been notified, go to the User Control Panel. Once there, look for a tab on the left titled 'Manage Challenges.' Click it.

2: You'll see page a description of the challenge, along with a couple of boxes titled 'Accept' and Decline.' Check 'Accept' and click 'Submit.'

3: The challenge is now entered into the ladder, and the Ladder system will be awaiting the results.

Entering Results into the Ladder:

Once your challenge's poll has expired, the results of the challenge are determined. The only thing left to do is to enter the results into the ladder system.

NOTE: Either contender may enter the results of a match into the ladder. Doing so will automatically enter the results for the other. If someone accidentally enters the wrong results, PM an Admin.

1: Go to the Clan Control Panel (it's in the User Control Panel, remember?). Once there, make sure you are logged into the correct clan. Then look for a tab titled 'Manage matches' on the left. Click it.

2: You'll see the challenge, along with three boxes labeled 'Win,' 'Lose,' and 'Tie.'
If your Clan won, click 'Win.'
If your Clan lost, click 'Lose.'
If your Clan tied, click 'Tie.'
Then click the 'Submit' button.

3: You'll see a screen telling you that the results have been submitted. Unless you entered a Tie, in which case you'll see a screen detailing an SQL error - don't worry about that - the results were entered anyway.